What is a stream of consciousness in writing?
What is a stream of consciousness in writing? Stream of consciousness is a literary device that seeks to represent an individual’s passage of thoughts and internal dialogue in a continuous, uninterrupted flow. This term was initially coined by William James in the 1890s and is used in literature as a narrative style or writing technique. The principle idea behind this method of narration is to create a stream of thought, or an inner monologue that reflects the person’s emotions, impressions, and ideas in a continuous, moment-to-moment flow. From a literary point of view, stream of consciousness is a narrative brand of storytelling that is distinct from other modes of writing. This style of writing allows authors to capture the thoughts, musings and feelings of their characters, ultimately giving readers an inside look at their thought processes and internal struggles. It is also a unique way of expressing the character’s subjective experience, as the narrative is filtered through the